Friday 26 February 2016

Whooping cough

Whooping cough

Whooping cough is also known as Pertussis, which is a contagious respiratory infection caused by bacteria, Bordetella pertussis. This bacteria spreads from infected person to you through air when they cough or sneeze. It is a preventable disease through vaccination.

Symptoms of Whooping Cough

You may notice the following symptoms, only after a week from the day of exposure:

* Fever.
* Nasal congestion.
* Running nose.
* Irritation and redness in the eyes.
* Hacking cough with particular sound and may trigger vomiting.
* Difficulty in breathing.
* Fatigue.

Dos and Don’ts

* You can take 1 tsp of tulsi leaves extract with ginger extract and honey twice daily.
* Drink a small glass of milk boiled with few pinches of Turmeric and pepper.
* Eat light and easily digestible food in small quantities to avoid vomiting.
* Avoid moving out, exposure to dust, perfumes, smoke and other irritants which triggers coughing.
* Drink sufficient boiled and cooled water to prevent dehydration.
* Avoid curds, cold and refrigerated foods. Eat freshly cooked food when it is still warm.

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