Saturday 31 January 2015

Lemon Peel Heals Joints:

Lemon Peel Heals Joints: Recipe After Which You Will Wake Up Without Pains 

Lemon protects against numerous diseases and has a positive effect on the entire body. It’s called superfood because it contains vitamin C, A, B1, B6, magnesium, bioflavonoid, pectin, folic acid, phosphorus, calcium and potassium.
Daily consummation of lemon will protect you from many diseases such as flu, laryngitis, bacterial infections and high blood pressure. And it also contributes in the fight against cancer according to newest research.

Well another condition lemon is very helpful at is painful joints. We’ve got a recipe for you that will help you relive painful joints in the arms and legs.Lemon Peel Heals Joints Recipe After Which You Will Wake Up Without Pains

Put rind of two lemons in a jar and fill the jar with olive oil. Close the jar and let it stand still for 2 weeks. When the remedy is ready for usage, put some of the olive oil onto clean gauze and place the gauze onto the affected area. Put a plastic bag over the gauze and a wool scarf over the bag. Do this procedure in the evening because the best way to heal your joints is to let this coating to act overnight.

Friday 30 January 2015

heavenly green smoothie.

Know about Leg Cramps like emoticon

Know about Leg Cramps like emoticon

A deficiency of potassium or calcium can cause leg cramps. To this effect it is important to increase the intake of foods high in potassium and calcium such as bananas, oranges, strawberries, dried fruit, fresh orange juice and grapefruit juice, beets,spinach, mushrooms, and fish.

Increasing your consumption of dairy products like milk, cheese, and yoghurt can also boost your calcium intake. Nuts such as almonds and foods like tofu and sardines are rich in calcium as well.

Research indicates that magnesium-rich foods can also prevent leg cramps. Add green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale along with wheat germ and pumpkin seeds to increase your magnesium levels.

Your Body is Acidic. Here is what you NEED to Do

Your Body is Acidic. Here is what you NEED to Do

Our diet plays a vital role in maintaining proper pH levels in the body. PH balance is the balance of acid and alkaline in all fluids and cells throughout your body. Your body must balance the blood’s pH levels at a slightly alkaline level of 7.365 in order to survive. Unfortunately,  the typical American diet consists primarily of toxic and acid-forming foods like processed sugars, refined grains,  genetically modified organisms, and etc. This  leads to unhealthy acidic pH.

An imbalanced pH can interrupt cellular activities and functions. Excessively acidic pH can lead to many  serious health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and heartburn. If you keep your body  in an acidic state for a long period of time, it can drastically accelerate aging. Robert O. Young   in The pH Miracle, says, that most health problems arise from being acidic. This is because parasites, bad bacteria, viruses, and candida overgrowth thrive in acidic environments.  But an alkaline environment neutralizes bacteria and  other pathogens

Therefore, maintaining pH balance  is one of the important tools to optimizing your health.

Home remedies for acidity

1/3 tsp. baking soda
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar

Mix everything together.  The acid/base combination will immediately begin to fizz. Keep adding baking soda until the fizz stops and then fill the glass with  8 oz. water.

Drink all at once. This home remedy will help neutralizes pH and create  an alkaline-forming environment in your body.  It will help with stomach acid and reduce acidosis.


Rare Acupressure chart of upper points

Benefits Of Ginger Juice

Benefits Of Ginger Juice

The health benefits of Ginger have been well known to Indians even 5000 years ago. Ginger contains many vitamins and also manganese & copper, all of which are very essential for proper functioning of the body.
Peel and slice Ginger into small cubes. Add some water and place them in a mixer grinder. After grinding, take it out and strain the juice in order to get rid of all the lumps and the ginger juice is ready. If it’s difficult for you to drink it, then you can add a little sugar and viola the ginger juice is done.
Ginger Juice Benefits:

1. Anti Inflammatory:
One of the most effective uses of ginger is that it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce joint inflammations. A study shows that people who consume ginger juice have less pain and other inflammatory diseases as it contains antioxidants which help to increase the flow of fresh blood by removing harmful impurities in the body.

Prevents Cancer:
. High Blood Pressure Natural
. Increase Hair Growth
. Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet
. Weight Loss Foods
. Hair Loss Treatment
. Grapefruit Juice
. Weight Loss Pills
. Face Cleansing Routines
. Acne Home Remedies
. Top 10 Shampoos
. Best Wrinkle Remover
. Healthy Living Tips
Ginger acts excellently for preventing cancer and also killing the cancer causing cells. In a study, it was found that ginger slows down the growth of breast cancer cells.

3. Blood Pressure:
Ginger acts as a blood thinner and reduces blood pressure in people instantly. You can have ginger juice with a few drops of honey in order to make it tasty.

4. Reduce Pain:
Ginger helps prevent all kinds of aches such as tooth ache and it also helps cure migraines that are becoming more common each passing day. As ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, it does not allow blood vessels to get inflamed and thus it helps increase the flow of blood to the body and cures the pain.

5. Digestion:
Ginger acts as an active agent for digestion. Ginger juice helps relive from various digestive issues. It speeds up the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestines. By consuming ginger, one can be less prone to getting stomach pains or any other digestive problems. It clears the stomach of all impurities thereby helping the people who suffer from motion sickness.

6. Arthritis:
Ginger helps cure arthritis as it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce swelling and inflammation in people suffering from thyroid or arthritis

7. Lowers Cholesterol:
Ginger is a great agent for reducing cholesterol as it as it helps remove the blockages in the flow of blood vessels which could lead to heart attacks.

8. Cold:
Ginger is one of the oldest cures for cold, nausea and flue as it has anti-viral and anti fungal properties. It cures cold and provides instant relief and also kills the bacteria that causes cold and ensures that it doesn’t return.

9. Ginger juice for hair care:
If you want to have long and shiny hair, you should consume ginger juice regularly. It can also be applied on the scalp for good results. Just make sure that when you are applying it to your scalp, the consistency of water should be less. Ginger acts as a good conditioner to your hair; it also helps to reduce dandruff and speeds up hair growth. When ginger juice is applied to your hair, it creates irritation on your scalp which stimulates the flow of blood.

10. Acne:
Ginger juice when consumed helps reduce acne or pimples and it also prevents occurrence of acne in the future as it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

जोड़ों के दर्द से राहत पाने के लिए अपनाएं घरेलू नुस्खें

जोड़ों के दर्द से राहत पाने के लिए अपनाएं घरेलू नुस्खें

सर्दियों में जोड़ों के दर्द की समस्या से पीड़ित लोगों को अधिक कष्ट उठाना पड़ता है क्योंकि जाड़े के कारण यह समस्या बद से बदतर हो जाती है। ऐसे में कुछ सामान्य उपायों का अनुसरण करके आप इस समस्या से काफी हद तक बच सकती हैं। 

* गर्म कपड़े पहनें : यदि बाहर ठंड अधिक हो तो हाथों में दर्द होने पर दस्ताने पहनें तथा घुटनों और टांगों पर लेयर्स पहनें।

* इनडोर  कसरत करें : ठंड से बचने के अतिरिक्त जोड़ों के दर्द से पीड़ित व्यक्ति को सक्रिय रहना चाहिए। सर्वश्रेष्ठ तरीका है कि इनडोर कसरत करें।

* विटामिन डी सप्लीमैंट : विटामिन डी की कमी के चलते ओस्टियोआर्थराइटिस की समस्या गंभीर हो सकती है। सर्दियों में आपको विटामिन डी कम मात्रा में मिलता है इसलिए इसका सप्लीमैंट लेने का यह अच्छा वक्त है। इस बात को यकीनी बनाएं कि आपकी डाइट विटामिन डी से भरपूर हो।

* फिश ऑयल का सेवन : ओमेगा-3 फैटी एसिड्स से भी कुछ लाभ मिलता है क्योंकि ये सूजन को घटाते हैं। लाभ लेने के लिए आपको प्रतिदिन 2000 से 3000 मिलीग्राम की जरूरत होती है। इस बात को सुनिश्चित बनाएं कि आपके डाक्टर को पता हो कि आप ओमेगा-3 फैटी एसिड्स का सेवन कर रही हैं क्योंकि इनके सेवन से रक्तस्राव का खतरा बढ़ सकता है।

* एन.एस.ए.आई.डी. : चाहे आप दवाइयों की बजाय जीवनशैली में सुधार करके जोड़ों के दर्द से राहत पाने को अधिमान देती हैं, तो जब भी मौसम के कारण आपको जोड़ों के दर्द की तकलीफ हो तो आप नान-स्टीरॉयडल एंटी इन्फ्लामैंटरी ड्रग्स (एन.एस.ए. आई. डी.) का इस्तेमाल कर सकती हैं।

* मसाज लें : जोड़ों के दर्द की अवस्था में मसाज आपकी मांसपेशियों की ऐंठन को दूर करने में सहायक हो सकती है।

* एक्यूपंचर : जोड़ों के दर्द से राहत पाने के इच्छुक एक्यूपंचर की सहायता ले सकते हैं। इससे उन्हें दर्द स राहत मिलती है। यदि आप अपनी इच्छा मुताबिक राहत पाना चाहते हैं तो आपको कई सैशन्स में भाग लेना होगा।

गठिया के दर्द में अमरुद की पत्तियों का प्रयोग

गठिया के दर्द में अमरुद की पत्तियों का प्रयोग
अमरुद के पत्ते पीड़ायुक्त स्थान पर लगाने हैं ।

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Kidney Cleansing Drinks

Kidney Cleansing Drinks

1. Cranberry juice: urologists recommended taking the cranberry juice, where he has a lot of health benefits. Of the health benefits of cranberry juice because it prevents bacteria from multiplying in the urinary tract and which cause urinary tract infections by increasing the acidity of urine, which is difficult for the bacteria to live with

2. Beet juice: beet juice has a lot of benefits to the kidneys and urinary tract, containing betaine, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants. The beet juice to increase the acidity of urine, which limits the bacteria inside the urinary tract and prevents them from multiplying as it prevents excess calcium in the body of the deposition in the kidney, which prevents the formation of gallstones

3. Lemon juice: When you eat the lemon juice on a regular basis every day that protects the kidney stones are where it's juices high acidity which helps in the fragmentation of stones as it increases the citric acid in the urine, which prevents the formation of urine in the urinary tract, including the kidneys. If you want to clean up process quick and easy for the kidneys drink a quarter cup of water plus 4 lemons

4. Apple juice: Apples contain pectin, which has a distinctive effect in cleaning up the urinary tract and colon. Where pectin helps cells to expel heavy metals such as aluminum, mercury and lead. It contains a set of antioxidant vitamins such as riboflavin

5. Celery and parsley: each of celery and parsley contains a large amount of Apiol is known for its benefits disinfectant to the kidneys, which is also used in some commercial drugs that are used in lithotripsy addition, celery juice and parsley diuretic making it one of the most useful drinks in the kidney cleaning

6. Juices kidney cleaning: The juices made from fruits and vegetables of the most effective ways to clean the kidney as useful as it contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help cells to resist the oxidation of oxygen also reduces the kidneys and liver stress factors. This is the quality of the fruit, apples, pears, peaches and vegetables like spinach, cucumber, turnip

7. Household drinks: a kidney in order to clean the drinks are made in house, add lemon and apple cider vinegar to a cup of filtered water. This mixture contains a large amount of antioxidants and components help to strengthen the kidneys and which consequently affect the strengthening of the body's overall health

8. Green tea: It is known for green tea that has a very high potential in the purification of the body and also the kidneys of toxins and moisturize the body and increase his activity, but also warns doctors of the increase it is known everything over alone to turn against him, it is the candidate that eating two glasses a day quite enough to take away all the benefits of green tea and being one of the drinks that help clean the kidney.

How To Detoxify With Oil Pulling!

How To Detoxify With Oil Pulling!

Did you know that besides cooking, oil can detoxify your body? Let us explore this interesting way of flushing out toxins from your system called Oil Pulling.

What is Oil Pulling?
Oil pulling is a technique which has its roots in ancient Ayurveda. The modern version however is new. This is basically nothing but rinsing your mouth with oil, a vegetable oil, to be precise.

-It is exactly the way you use your mouthwash. 1 to 2 teaspoon oil is swished around in the mouth for around 20 minutes (a minimum of 5 minutes, if you are a starter), before spitting it out.

-However, whatever you do, you must not swallow the post-swishing oil, the reason being that it contains all the toxins that you are trying to wipe out in the first place.

-After spitting out the oil, rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water and brush well later. It will clear out the hidden traces of the oil.

Is Oil Pulling Therapy?
Oil pulling is not used to cure any disease. And there is no specific method that is directed towards a specific kind of disease or disorder. Instead, oil pulling is a treatment to get rid of the toxins that might lead to some disorder in future. Hence, it is a therapy.

What are the Oils that can be used for Oil Pulling?
One can experiment to find out which oil works the best. However, there are certain oils that Ayurveda recommends, for the purpose of oil pulling:

Sesame oil is more warming than others. It detoxifies more gently and since it is food oil, many people prefer this.

Sunflower oil is also a vegetable oil and thus a familiar food taste for many.

Coconut oil is also a familiar in taste oil for many. It is cooler in nature and best suited for those who have a warmer constitution. 
However, coconut oil has strong detoxifying properties.

Organic, unrefined and cold pressed oils with life force of core substances of oil are recommended, as those do not contain chemical residues.

What are the benefits of Oil Pulling?
Your mouth is a hub to millions of bacteria, fungi, viruses and toxins. Sound pretty yuck, doesn’t it? Oil pulling helps you get rid of all of it, in a crux. Some of the benefits of oil pulling are:

1. Enjoy Amazing Oral Health:
Oil pulling gives your teeth a cleaner and whiter look. This is in fact much better than chemical whitening. Oil pulling, known for the anti bacterial and anti viral properties, does the job better and in a more effective manner. It keeps your gums and teeth in perfect health. Oil pulling enhances your oral hygiene by getting rid of bad breath and taking care of the tooth cavities.

2. Get Smooth and Glowing Skin:
Oil pulling keeps skin clear and luminous. So, no more worries on acne outbreaks. This process will make sure your skin gets rid of the toxins and remains smooth and supple.

3. Detoxify Your System:
Contamination in the form of toxins and bacteria in mouth is the main gateway for all types of germ breeding and diseases. By ridding your body of such toxins, oil pulling detoxifies your body. So, your immunity gets a boost and you are less likely to be prone to common infections like flu etc. In addition, you will feel energized and rejuvenated after the detoxification process.

4. Balance Your Hormones:
Your hormones can never be free, till they are required to deal with the unwanted bacteria and toxins. By using the therapy of oil pulling, you can let the hormones behave in a natural manner, directed towards their natural area of functioning.

5. Boost Your Immunity:
Our immune system saves and protects you from all kinds of diseases and infections. The presence of unwanted bacteria and toxins makes it hard for the immune system to focus on its normal function. It makes you more prone to diseases and infections. Oil pulling, by getting rid of such toxins, facilitates the immune system in resuming its normal area of expertise.

6. Get Rid of Headache:
Migraine and headaches imply that the body is under too much toxic stress. In this case, oil pulling comes to your rescue. By flushing out the toxins from your body, you will get relief from frequent migraine and headaches.

However, if oil pulling is not done properly it may have the following side effects:
Dryness in the mouth
Excessive thirst
Stiffness in the muscles
Loss of sensitivity or taste in the mouth
Consult an Ayurveda doctor to find out your body constitution and the oil best suited to you.


7 Drinks to Shrink your Belly Fast

7 Drinks to Shrink your Belly Fast

The best way to lose some pounds is to combine healthy food and workouts. But diet and exercise are not the only way to lose body weight. There are few drinks that will speed up the process of burning calories and losing weight.

Here are the top 7 drinks that will help you lose weight:

Ice cold water

Ice cold water speeds up the metabolic process, so by drinking it you will eliminate more calories. You need to drink at least 16 ounces on a daily base to see the results.

Coconut water

Coconut water is filled with electrolytes. It has more electrolytes than any other drink in this list. The more electrolytes are present, the more it hydrates you. You will enjoy this drink without adding sugar or artificial flavors. This drink also gives you energy and speeds up the metabolism.

Skim Milk

Fats in your body can be broken easily with skim milk. By drinking skim milk, not only will you be breaking down fats, you also don’t have to worry about them accumulating over time. Nutritionists say that you can lose 70% more fat than those who do not consume dairy products. Drink one glass of skim milk a day and you will see the results.

Vegetable Juice

Vegetables are very healthy. They are used in every diet. But the thing you need to try is vegetable juice. This kind of juice is very healthy and it will make you feel excellent after drinking a glass of it. This drink is very efficient in burning calories.

Nutritional Drinks

These kind of drinks are very healthy and have positive effect on people. But that’s not all, apparently you can lose weight by consuming these nutritional drinks, because they make you feel full after only one glass. However before consuming this kind of beverages you must consult your doctor for verification if the product you have chosen is good for you or not.

Green and Black Tea

Green tea is very useful to those people who want to lose weight. It speeds up the metabolic process in your body, allowing it to burn more calories. Green tea burns 43% more calories than any other drink. The same goes to black tea. This tea is ideal for those whose goal is to be slimmer.

Watermelon Smoothie

Any smoothie is good for you as long as you do not add sugary mixers. The best smoothie for staying hydrated is watermelon smoothie. This smoothie contains a lot of water and has low calories. Also it contains arginine, which is an amino acid that decreases the body fat and in the meantime increases the lean muscle mass.

This drinks have low calorie content, but are too satisfying that you will not think about having snacks or sweets. Drink these beverages and you will feel a lot better.

Source: StethNews

Effective Weight Loss Remedy

Fingers Can Reveal Your Health

Fingers Can Reveal Your Health – Prevent Certain Diseases Just in Time With Su-Jok Therapy

When the modern era came it changed many things, and one of them is the approach to human’s body and health. So, we are no longer able to notice the early signs of a certain disease anymore.

The only thing we can now is visit our doctor, do the lab test and wait for the diagnosis. But, since ancient times Ayurvedic medicine nurtured a holistic approach to body and health.

According to the Ayurvedic medicine, our body is a complete system that has many different methods to warn and defend us from different diseases, especially severe ones that occur when we ignore all previous warnings.

Every single human being has the ability to come to some conclusions by listening to their bodies. Simple examples are, when we can notice the smell of gases, urine, sweat and faeces we release and which leads us to the conclusion that our body is overloaded with toxins.

These natural things can be felt and sensed by every human being.
In order for us to start with the application, there are alternative methods of treatment and diagnosis that do not require much knowledge. Su Jok (Su Jok – Korean: fist, foot) acupressure is one of them.

Similar to Ayurvedic medicine or traditional Chinese acupuncture, this method is based on learning about the meridians of energy, connected with our bodies.


Health Benefits Of Tea

What warm beverage is in today's cup? 
Need a lesser caffeinated brew? 
Try an old barista trick by double steeping the bag. 
Brew 1 cup for 2 minutes, toss the water, then brew a new mug with the same bag!



Please do not show sympathy to people selling buds on roadside or at Signals. Just wanted to warn you people not to buy those packs of ear-buds you get at the roadside.

It's made from cotton that has already been used in hospitals.. They take all the dirty, blood- and pus-filled cotton, wash it, bleach it and use it to make ear buds. So, unless you want to become the first person in the world to get Herpes Zoster Oticus (a viral infection of the inner, middle, and external ear) of the ear and that too from a cottonbud, DON'T BUY THEM!!

Use Branded Ear Buds only to stay away from any such Possible Problem..

Monday 26 January 2015

गर्भावस्था में कब्ज़ की समस्या में उपयोगी “जीरा”



We all know the great benefits that wheatgrass gives to your body. It is always great to find out about benefits that you may not know about. One that many may not know about are the positive benefits for your hair.

Many people mix wheatgrass with their regular shampoo to repair their damaged hair. You can also use wheatgrass powder to get rid of dandruff. The juice of wheat grass also helps in getting rid of grey hair.

Wheatgrass Turns Gray Hair Back to Its Natural Color AND Beyond Beautification and into Total Body Health: Wheatgrass is made up of an impressive array of nutrients that reinforce and rejuvenate everything from our cells and tissues to our organs and bodily systems. In addition to its 70% chlorophyll makeup, wheatgrass contains 17 essential amino acids, 90 minerals, 13 vitamins and 80 enzymes

Cancer cells cannot develop in oxygen rich environments
Regular consumption of the young grass of a common wheat plant can recolor those grays so that you can enjoy your lush, natural color well into your senior years. And it doesn’t just stop at the gray. This young cereal grass slows down the entire aging process by rejuvenating your cells, detoxifying your body, fighting tumors and tightening loose and sagging skin
Made up of 70% chlorophyll, wheatgrass, from the wheat plant triticum aestivum, restores the health of your kidneys and blood

The Benefits Of Wheatgrass Juice -
When you drink high quality wheatgrass juice, your body may produce spectacular results such as:
A physical and mental sense of well-being
More energy and better sleep
Stronger immune system
Detoxification on a cellular level
Reduced inflammation in the entire body
Lessened appetite cravings
Increased mental clarity
Steadier nerves
Improved eyesight and night vision

You suddenly start accomplishing more every day

Actively engaging in and enjoying activities you had been dreading in the past

Visually seeing results via live blood cell analysis such as the unclumping of oxygen-carrying red blood cells
and much more...

Traditional Remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough & Lung Diseases

Traditional Remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough & Lung Diseases

Some of the most common conditions that many people are diagnosed with nowadays are different lung diseases such as bronchitis, asthma and various types of cough.

There are many other factors that can cause lung diseases or disorders such as infections, allergies and smoking. This article will give you a traditional recipe for a medication that will help you with these problems. The medication is especially good for treating cardiac and bronchial asthma.

This medication has been prepared in the past by our grandmothers. It has been used to treat these conditions and it has been confirmed to have great healing power.

lbs. / ½ kg red/purple onions
2 cups of Pure Maple Syrup or 1.1 lbs. / ½ kg brown sugar
2 medium sized lemons
6 cups / 1.5 l water
7 tbsp.of raw honey
How to prepare it:
Take a large frying pan and put the pure maple syrup in it. Cook the syrup on a medium heat. In case you are using brown sugar the procedure is pretty much the same (cook the sugar in the pan on a medium heat and stir it until it gets a nice golden color). Slice the onions and add them in the pan. Cook them together with the syrup for couple of minutes. After that add the water.

This mixture needs to be cooked on a medium heat. Cook it until the water is reduced by a third. Leave it for a while to cool. In the meantime squeeze the lemons and put the juice a side. After the mixture has been cooled down add the lemon juice and the honey. Stir it well until you gethomogeneousmixture. Let it stay in the pan overnight. Squeeze out the liquid in the morning. It needs to be kept in a glass bottle.

How to consume it:
Before and after each meal you need to take one tablespoon. Repeat the procedure until you feel better.

Take a tablespoon before each meal. After you finish it, make another dosing. Repeat the treatment until your lungs get better. Children should take a teaspoon of the remedy before each meal. Children should take a teaspoon of the remedy before each meal.

Source: Fashionmg-Style

कान बहने का सरल इलाज..

How to Make Medicinal Garlic Honey

How to Make Medicinal Garlic Honey

thing earning themselves the right to be called a natural remedy.

Garlic and honey can help with stomach problems, chronic concerns, reduce blood sugar, high blood pressure, skin ailments, boost the immune system, and so much more. Many people suggest eating the whole clove raw, some take garlic oil pills, others in granulated form, I like it minced and jarred with honey.


1 Whole Garlic bulb




Mince the garlic and the cloves and add them into a jar. Cover them completely with honey, it takes a while for the honey to seep through the garlic and cloves so pour the honey over slowly.  Use a chopstick and stir to get all of the air bubbles out. Cover and place in a dark place and do not open for 2-4 weeks.


Combination That Treats Many Diseases Including Cancer

Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey – Combination That Treats Many Diseases Including Cancer 

The combination of apple cider vinegar, honey and garlic is quite effective in treating various health conditions and diseases. It has been used to treat colds,arthritis, high blood pressure,infections, as well as some more serious conditions like impotence, asthma,infertility, arthritis and  cancer. This combination is also very good for lowering bad cholesterol levels (Low-density lipoprotein “LDL”)and boosting the immune system.

Few studies have been conducted recently, and they all show that the combination of these three natural ingredients helps cure many types of cancer. Patients that were using this treatment managed to overcome the effects of cancer and even in some cases to cure it completely.

The remedy should be consumed before eating or drinking anything, in the morning on an empty stomach. The studies also revealed that the patients with high blood pressure noticed a significant decrease in their bad cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

After 2 weeks of consuming the treatment, the effects of this remedy were noticeable.

The best part about this recipe is that the ingredients are easy to get or you probably already have them.

The ingredients alone provide the body their own health benefits, because they are all natural products. Combining these three ingredients did not show any negative side effects, which means that it can be consumed safely, even if you are not treating one of these ailments described above.

In order to use this all natural remedy to treat cancer (or any of the other conditions) naturally or you just want to improve your overall health you must follow these simple instructions on how to prepare this powerful remedy.

10 garlic cloves
1 cup of apple cider vinegar
1 cup of organic unpasteurized honey

Blend all of the ingredients in a blender, until you get a homogenous mixture (normallyit would take about 60-90 seconds). Place the mixture into a jar and keep it refrigerated.

The best time to consume the combination is within 5 days of preparation. You can still consume the mixture after 5 days, but the healing properties are lower.

How to consume it?

You can consume the remedy in many ways. We recommend taking 2 tablespoons of the remedy before you eat or drink anything else, immediately after waking up. If you do not like the taste of the remedy raw, you can mix it with a cup of your favorite fresh juice or water. If you are mixing it with fresh juice or water it is very important to consume the remedy before you eat or drink anything else, immediately after waking up.

This remedy is becoming more and more popular nowadays and the amount of people using it to treat various ailments has rapidly increased.

Source :


This is a vital information - literally of life and death - Be sure to read it and send it to those who appreciate it.

We spend the night with clean and underarm deodorant, to be a free breathing time the armpit.

Some time ago, I went to a seminar on Breast Cancer, led by Terry Birk with support from Dan Sullivan.

During the discussion, asked why the most common reason for developing breast cancer tumors is near the armpit.

My question could not be answered at that time.

This information was sent to me recently, and I'm glad it has been answered.

I informed a friend who is undergoing chemotherapy and she said that I had this information, obtained in a support group that frequents ...

Now I want to share information with you.!The main cause of Breast Cancer is the use of anti-perspirant!
Most products on the market are a combination of anti-perspirant/deodorants.
Look at the labels!
Deodorant is fine,


The concentration of toxins causes cell mutation:

CANCER. Here's why:

The human body is just a few areas where it can eliminate toxins: behind the knees, behind the ears, the English area and armpits.

Toxins are eliminated through perspiration.

The anti-perspirant, as the name says, prevents you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body to eliminate toxins through the armpits.

These toxins do not magically disappear.

As not come with sweat, the organism ta deposited in the lymph glands found under the arms.

Most breast cancers occur in the upper outside quadrant of the breast area.

Precisely where are the glands in men seems to occur to a lesser extent, but are not exempt from

Breast Cancer develop because of the anti-perspirant used instead of soap and water.

The difference lies in the fact that when men use anti-perspirant, not applied directly to the skin, they do so in large part on the hair of the armpits.

Women who apply antiperspirant or aftershave shaving the underarms, increase the risk due to tiny injuries and skin irritations which make harmful chemical components to penetrate more quickly into the body,

Please pass this informatión everyone ...

Breast Cancer is becoming frighteningly common and this warning may save some lives.

If somehow doubt this information, they can make their own investigations

They'll probably come to the same conclusion.

Let All Know


These Home Remedies for Jaundice

These Home Remedies for Jaundice

It’s no joke that there are effective home remedies for jaundice. Knowing those do-it-yourself treatments may surprise you, but it’s important that you will know what to do next time.

Jaundice is a liver disorder that makes your skin look yellowish. That’s the typical symptom of this health problem. It also causes you to have headache, nausea, fever, loss of appetite, constipation, and liver pain. Regardless of the symptoms of jaundice, this condition isn’t deadly but must be taken seriously.

Here are several options on how to naturally treat jaundice. These are essential home remedies for jaundice in adults, not only with kids and teens.

1. Tomatoes
Eating or drinking tomatoes is an ideal treatment against jaundice. The lycopene presence in this fruit is able to reduce or repair damage to the liver.

2. Almonds, Dates and Cardamoms
Almonds should be peeled and then grind to become paste. If you don’t like that you may just peel and mix with dried dates and cardamoms. But be sure to soak in water overnight and consume the next morning.

3. Sugarcane Juice, Lemon Juice, or Barley Water
Another best treatment for jaundice is drinking one of these natural juices: lemon juice, sugarcane juice, or barley water. Squeeze lemon or sugarcane and add warm water. For barley water, put barley in a pot mixed with water and simmer for hours.

4. Radish Leaves, Pigeon Pea Leaves, or Snake Gourd Leaves
Extract the juice from any of the leaves of these vegetables and drink. But this must be consumed one glass a day for at least 8 days.

5. Turmeric Powder
Also among the best and natural home remedies for jaundice is turmeric powder. Mix it with water and drink three times a day for a few days or a week.

You can easily say goodbye to jaundice with these treatments. Remember these home remedies for jaundice if one of your family is experiencing it.

2000-year-old recipe Greece Cold Cream

2000-year-old recipe Greece Cold Cream


* 2 Tbsp Of Raw Organic Honey
* 16 Tbsp Grated Organic Beeswax
* 400ml almond oil(or coconut oil)
* 1 Cup Rose Water
* 1 large sanitized glass jar


* Melt the beeswax, honey, and oil  over low heat using a double boiler. 
* Once melted, remove and allow to cool
* add rosewater 1 drop at a time
* whisking after each incorporation. 
* Once fully saturated, stop, and  allow the cream to cool. 
* Pour the mixture into your jar
* cool completely before adding on the lids

Used for: 
* moisturizes the skin, 
* removes makeup, 
* reduces wrinkles
* reduce signs of aging


नारियल तेल के चमत्कार

नारियल तेल के चमत्कार

करीब एक चम्मच नारियल तेल को मुंह में रख कर मुंह में दांतों के बीच घुमाते रहे. बीस मि. बाद इसे थूक कर कुनकुने पानी से मुंह धो ले. इसे गंडूष भी कहा जाता है. 

- नारियल तेल एसिड पैदा कर कैविटी बनाने वाले कीटाणुओं की वृद्धि को रोकता है. 

- इसमें फ्लोराइड या अन्य केमिकल्स से होने वाले दुष्परिणाम नहीं है. 

- इससे विजातीय तत्व बाहर निकलते है.

- रोग प्रतिरोधक शक्ति मज़बूत होती है. 

- यह दांतों के दर्द और सिर दर्द को भी दूर करता है. 

- ऐसा करने से ब्रोंकाइटिस , आंत के रोगों , स्त्री रोगों , क्रेम्प्स , दिल और किडनी की बीमारियों से भी बचाव होता है. 

- नारियल तेल को मुंह में रखने से यानी गंडूष से दांत सफ़ेद होते है और पीलापन समाप्त होता है

Sunday 25 January 2015

Coconut Water Prevents and Cure Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

Coconut Water Prevents and Cure Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

coconut water contains cleansing and healing properties so it can cure urinary problems. Coconut water can cure bladder infections and even dissolve kidney stones.

To cure UTI, it is recommended drinking two glasses of coconut water a day is suggested.

Making coconut water and coconut oil a regular part of a daily diet helps one maintain a healthy urinary system.

Other natural means to prevent or cure UTI includes drinking at least 8 glasses of clean waiter everyday and wearing comfortable pants and underwear. It is also not healthy to hold back urine.

A healthy immune system is a must to prevent UTI so it is also recommended to exercise daily and eat a balanced diet filed with fruits and vegetables

7 Harm Of Using Smartphone

7 Harm Of Using Smartphone

Overuse of smartphones negative impact on your physical and mental well-being, for example:

- Hearing. When you listen to your favorite music on the device at high volume, you run the risk of damaging your inner ear, which is responsible for converting sounds into signals to the brain.

- Claw hand. Have you felt pain or cramping in your wrist or fingers? Then you run the risk of so-called "claw hand" caused by too much typing on the smartphone or spend much time playing with it. If you control can not develop tendinitis.

- Small levels of radiation. Overuse cell exposes you to a small radiation cancer cells can develop in people.

- Phantom vibration syndrome. It is an imaginary feeling that is vibrating cell. It is generated by excessive cell phone use.

- High exposure to germs and bacteria. It is an excellent vehicle for this type of parasites that cause gastrointestinal illness.

- Neck pain. Excessive writing can result in muscle pain in neck, shoulders and head.

- Withdrawal. If you decide to use less cell or -golpe do, you can cause emotional damage and trigger this syndrome, so you can experience anxiety and isolation.

In addition, another smartphone from damage to health is a poor quality of sleep, because the light from this appliance suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes a good rest. And you, do you identify with any of these damages smartphone?

It Destroys Cancer Cells And Heals The Whole Body!

The Secret Recipe of Professor Mermerski: It Destroys Cancer Cells And Heals The Whole Body!

This is a recipe for the treatment of the entire body: pure blood vessels, heart heals, restores the immune system, cleanses the liver, the kidneys, the whole system of excretion, and also the digestive system of pathogenic microflora.

It improves the brain function and memory, protects from heart attack and heals the people suffering from the same. It helps with inflamed joints, too. It’s great remedy against some types of cancer. It also regulates body weight. 

14 oz / 400 grams of germinated grain (wheat)
15 lemons (organic)
12 cloves of garlic
2.2 lbs / 1 kg of honey
14 oz /400 grams of walnuts


Preparation of sprouted wheat: 400 g of wheat put in boiled glass jar, and pour over the water to stay preferably overnight. After 10-12 hours, spill water over a clean cloth / gauze, rinse some beans and squeeze through the cheesecloth. 

Leave some drained wheat in the jar. After 24, you’ll get wheat germ (1-2 mm long.). 

Grind together germinated wheat, nuts and cleaned heads of garlic. Grind 5 lemons with rind and mix everything together in enamel pot. Take only the juice from the remaining lemon and mix with the rest of the plebs, until the mixture is homogenous. Add honey and mix with a long wooden spoon and pour it into the jars, which should be kept in the refrigerator. After 3 days the mixture will be ready for consumption. 


You should take 1-2 tablespoons from the mixture 30 min before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner and before bedtime. Consume it until there’s nothing left from it. For prevention – take it once a year. 

For the treatment of cancer – take it every 2 hours! 

Recipe guarantees health and long life; preserves the freshness of the body, youth and energy, because it contains all the necessary vitamins, mineral salts, bioactive substances, proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable fat. It improves performance of all internal organs and glands! 


8 Sleeping Positions And Their Effects On Your Health

8 Sleeping Positions And Their Effects On Your Health

In which position do you usually sleep? This is also a very important question. Not only are you getting enough sleep, but how you sleep is also of great importance and it can affect your health.

Learn what these 8 sleeping positions mean:

1. On Your Back, With The Arms Up

This position is often called “starfish position”, and it is very good for the back. It’s not important if your arms are around your pillow or not, what is important is that this position helps in preventing skin breakouts and facial wrinkles. Yet, it can cause problems with acid reflux and snoring. Having your arms up can also activate pain,because of the straining of your shoulder nerves.

2. On One Side, With The Arms at Each Side

You can protect the spine in its natural curve,if you sleep on one side with your arms down on each side. This also reduces sleep apnea, and back and neck pain. The main disadvantage is that it causes skin aging, causingwrinklesand sagging breasts.

3. Face Down
If you want to improve your digestion,you should sleep on your stomach, and if you cannot find a way to breathe through the pillow, you will probably tilt your face on one side or the other side of the pillow, which increases the pressure on your neck. It  also causes back pain.

4. On The Right Side

If you’re a side-sleeper,it is very important on which side you sleep on. Sleeping on the left side can pressure your internal organs, for example the stomach, lungs and liver, and sleeping on the right side can damage the heartburn. Pregnant sleepers are typically advised by thedoctors to sleep on the left side, because it can help the circulation to the fetus.

5. Pillow-Supplementing
If we leave aside your favourite sleeping position, you can get less pain and better sleep the following day if you supplement your body with a pillow. The people that are sleeping on their back can place a small pillow beneath the arch of their spine, side sleepers should place a pillow between the knees, and thosethat sleep on their stomach can put a pillow under the hips, which will support the joints and help them enjoy a full, painless relaxation.

6. On One Side, With The Arms Out

The benefits from this position are similar to the one with the arms at each side. However, it can induce shoulder and arm pain, since the nerves are pressured and the blood flow is restricted, which will only get worse if you have your arms out in front of you.

7. Fetal Position
If you have problems with snoring or if you’re pregnant this is a good sleeping position for you. Sleeping all curled up with the chin tilted down and the knees drawn up may seem cozy, but it can harm your neck and back.

8. On Your Back, With The Arms at Eeach Side

Most of the people believe that this is the best sleeping position for your spine and neck, but only if you don’t use too many pillows. So, those who sleep on their back are more likely to snore, and get a sleep apnea which is linked to this sleeping position.

Source :