Tuesday 18 August 2015

What causes hiccups (हिचकी )

What causes hiccups (हिचकी )?

A very full stomach can cause bouts of hiccups that go away on their own. A full stomach can be caused by:

Eating too much food too quickly.
Drinking too much alcohol.
Swallowing too much air.
A sudden change in stomach temperature, such as drinking a hot beverage and then a cold beverage.
Emotional stress or excitement.

How to cure hiccups ( हिचकी रोकने के दस घरेलू उपाय)
1. Put one teaspoon of sugar or honey, stirred in warm water, on the back of your tongue, and swallow it.

2. Cut a slice of lemon and suck on it.

3.With a scoop of ice cream, the cure becomes a treat. The chill of the ice cream, steady swallowing, and a pleasurable distraction all add up to calming the diaphragm.

4.Avoid carbonated soda, especially if they’re cold. The low temperature, combined with the bubbles, creates a medley of irritations that could set off your diaphragm.

5. When you eat, slow down. Eating quickly, you swallow more air, and that can cause hiccups as well as burping.

6.Drink a glass of water quickly .

7.Take a deep breath and then hold it for a while. When there’s a buildup of carbon dioxide in your lungs, your diaphragm relaxes.

8.Eat a teaspoon of sugar or honey.

9.Hold your breath and counting slowly to 10.

10.Cardamom ( ilaichi)powder is an effective remedy for hiccups

11.Peel a small piece of fresh ginger and chew on it slowly to get rid of your hiccups.

12.Pour about 1/2 teaspoon of plain table salt onto your tongue. Swallow it and keep swallowing until the salty taste is gone. 
Do not drink or eat anything immediately after. Your hiccups should be gone! If they aren't, repeat adding the salt.

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