Thursday 20 August 2015

For Infertility in Women

To achieve healthy baby, both the seeds i.e female ovum and male sperm should be healthy during conception. The physical as well as mental health should be at equilibrium so that the all the good qualities can be passed on to your child.

As, to grow a plant from a seed we require a healthy seed, good quality soil, proper environment etc., similarly to expect a good healthy baby both husband and wife should be healthy (during conception).

Steps of Pregnancy:

1. Ovalation-A women must release an egg from one of her ovaries.
2. The egg must go through a fallopian tube towards the uterus.
3. Fertilization– A male sperm must unite with the egg in the tube.
4. Implantation– The fertilized egg must get attached to the inside of the uterus.

Infertility means inability to conceive (Attain Pregnancy), despite of regular unprotected sexual intercourse for more than 1 year.
Cause of Female infertility
It may be due cyst(s) formations (PCOS), Abnormal ovulation or Absence of ovulation, Tubal block, Hormonal imbalance etc., are few reasons leading to infertility or failure to conceive. Detailed list as below:

P.C.O.D [Polycystic Ovarian Disease]
Anovulatory cycles.
Fallopian Tube Block (Tubal Block).
Uterine Fibroids
Over Weight 
Positive TORCH test.
Bad Obstetric history- Recurrent Abortions
Cervical narrowing or blockage
Unexplained infertility

In some instances, a cause for infertility is never found. It’s possible that combinations of minor factors in both partners underlie these unexplained fertility problems. The good news is that couples with unexplained infertility have the highest rates of spontaneous pregnancy of all infertile couples.

Stress Factor- Depression or poor self esteem.
Cause of Male infertility
It may be due to low sperm count or poor quality of sperm or total absence of sperm. Causes as listed below:

Ejaculation issues: Retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen enters the bladder during orgasm instead of emerging out the tip of the penis.

Antibodies that attack sperm: Anti-sperm antibodies are immune system cells that mistakenly identify sperm as harmful invaders and attempt to eliminate them.

Undescended testicles: In some males, during fetal development one or both testicles fail to descend from the abdomen into the sac that normally contains the testicles (scrotum).
Hormone imbalances.
Tobacco smoking
Inadequate vitamin C and Zinc in the diet.

Tight underwear: It increases scrotal temperature which in turns results in decreased sperm production.

Exposure to environmental hazards and toxins such as pesticides, lead, paint, radiation, radioactive substances, mercury, benzene, boron, and heavy metals

Chronic alcohol abuse.
Excessive stress

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