Thursday 27 August 2015



1. Reconnect to Nature
Earthing enhances our connection to Mother Earth. We come from this planet, we eat from the earth, and we share minerals and nutrients with the earth. Going barefoot will remind your body of this. Earthing recalibrates our senses, giving our core being some much needed environmental information and a heightened sense of awareness.
Being barefoot in nature makes you feel wild and free, thus reducing stress level and balancing our busy modern lives that are peppered with technology, electricity, and free radicals like pollution and disease.

2. Detoxifying the Body
Our constant contact with electronic devices/gadgets like televisions, computers, tablets, smart phones, etc. expose our body to electromagnetic fields that can be detrimental to our health.
When you walk barefoot on earth, your sole’s contact with earth soaks up millions of electrons into your body that detoxifies. It has an alkalizing effect on your body that “thins blood” and helps reduce blood viscosity that is a common cause of insomnia, fatigue, blood clots, stroke, heart attack, diabetes and other diseases.
Take it like discharging/detoxifying the electromagnetic fields (EMF) from your body, if you would. Walking with wet barefoot is best for conductivity discharge.

3. Reduce Free Radicals
The electrons you receive from earthing neutralizes free radicals that damage the healthy cells in your body. These free radicals cause everything from advanced aging to cancer. Eating foods high in antioxidants and earthing are the best ways to defend against free radicals.

4. Reduce Inflammation
Without earthing, inflammation increases. Humans are affected by so many inflammatory diseases that we treat, but we are merely treating symptoms. Earthing is a quick, easy, and zero-cost way to reduce inflammation to avoid sickness.

5. Re-energize
Have you ever stood next to a waterfall or gone swimming in a lake and felt naturally energized? This is thanks to the free electrons in these settings. You can get the same body-grounding effects just by walking barefoot in the grass daily.
Earthing can even re-energize you during a midday grog. It’s a better, more natural way that stimulating drinks like coffee that can tax your adrenal glands and give you a crash.

6. Reflexology Points
Each foot has over 7000 nerve endings. The ancient practice of reflexology states that these points connect to our organs and different bodily systems. Earthing stimulates reflexology points that are overlooked as they sit in shoes and socks all day. Walking barefoot on uneven surfaces like the Earth puts pressure on passed-over points in your feet, which improves your overall health.

7. Return Proper Posture
Walking barefoot helps realign your spine. Raised heels and extra cushioning in shoes distort our posture, not to mention a sedentary lifestyle in a chair and in front of a screen. Exercising barefoot improves posture very quickly, so earthing is an easy, low-stress way to improve your form. Better posture eliminates aches and pains that keep you up at night.

8. Reinforce Feet and Ankles
Allowing your feet and ankles to walk without shoes lets them move unrestricted and in a more natural way. Shoes bind our feet and lower leg muscles, making them atrophy. Earthing activates your feet and ankles and stimulates a connection between the feet and the brain, which increases overall strength, balance, and awareness

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