Tuesday, 21 October 2014

How To Lower Your Uric Acid Naturally

How To Lower Your Uric Acid Naturally

Here are 3 simple tips on how to lower uric acid
levels in the blood naturally…
(1) Drink between 2 and 3 liters of water
everyday. Drink small amounts regularly
throughout the day. Water helps the kidneys to
process and flush uric acid out of the body.

(2) Consume a baking soda solution to help
dissolve uric acid crystals, and, increase uric acid
solubility. Add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to 8
oz of water. Mix thoroughly, and drink maximum
8 glasses daily. One before bedtime, one when
you get up in the morning, and one every 2 to 4
hours between meals. Repeat until the symptoms
have gone.
[Note: Since baking soda is high in sodium, change
to a salt-free diet whilst taking this remedy. And, if
you suffer from high blood pressure, although you
can take it as long as you monitor your blood
pressure closely, it's better not to use this remedy
at all.]

(3) Change to a low purine diet. Since uric acid
comes from the breakdown of purines, and,
purines also exist in our foods, a gout sufferer
needs to go onto a diet that is relatively low in
purines. This also means avoiding high purine
foods completely…

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