Monday 27 October 2014

Useful Tips To Relieve Neck Pain

Useful Tips To Relieve Neck Pain 

1. Slowly move your head from side to side. This will hurt a little a first but it should gradually subside. Moving the neck in this way stretches the neck muscles and prevents them from getting stiff.

2. Move your neck up and down slowly, and stopping if the pain gets too bad. Also moving the head in a figure eight also helps stretch the muscles and reduces pain with time.

3. Take some painkillers to help reduce the inflammation in the affected area, this should help relieve the pain.

4. Taking a warm shower also helps to reduce the stiff neck pain symptoms due to the heat soothing effect from the shower water.

5.Taking a bath and soaking in some bath salts and Epsom salt is also poven to relieve the symptoms associated with neck pain and neck inflammation.

6. Applying hot or cold compress to the area. Heat will increase blood flow in the area and therefore reduce the pain, while ice acts as a pain reliever by quickly numbing the area if the pain is severe.

7. In some cases a cushioned neck brace will help to provide support for the neck.

8. A nice massage will also help, it is best to go to a professional massager.

9.Other methods include hydrotherapy, massage with essential oils, and Acupuncture.

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