Monday, 20 October 2014

Benefits of Beetroot

Benefits of Beetroot

Daily consumption of beetroot juice can treat hypertension and help lower blood pressure  
60% of people on meds to manage their blood pressure don’t actually have their pressure under control. Whether you’re on medicine or not, doctors say a healthy blood pressure is one of the key steps to preventing heart disease and stroke.
Diet is one of the most effective methods of lowering blood pressure. Study has disclosed that the ingestion of dietary nitrate in beetroot juice, just like in green, leafy vegetables, could eventually result in a decreased blood pressure.
It was found that blood pressure was reduced within just 1 hour of ingesting beetroot juice in case of healthy volunteers, with a peak drop occurring 3-4 hours after ingestion. In fact a considerable degree of reduction continued until up to 24 hours after ingestion.

Juice Recipes For High Blood Pressure
1. Beetroot Juice
Beat High Blood Pressure with Beet.
Drinking just 500 ml of beetroot juice a day can significantly reduce blood pressure.
Green Power Juice For High Blood Pressure
Apples – 2 medium
Celery – 4 stalk, large
Cucumber – 1 cucumber
Ginger – 1 thumb
Kale – 6 leaf
Lemon – 1/2 fruit
Celery,apple,cucumber,lemon is one of the most important vegetables we have to use daily. Celery provides a natural way to lower blood pressure.Eating an Apple a day without peeling its skin can prevent high blood pressure.Apple skin is six times more effective to prevent an enzyme called ACE, which is well known as the cause of hypertension and low blood pressure. Drink this juice as much as you can.

More Health Benefits of Beet Juice
Beet is irreplaceable; it is one of the best rejuvenating types of vegetables.

Here are some proven benifits of fresh red beet root juice:
• it strengthens the organism and boosts stamina
• it stimulates the immune system, the activity of breathing enzymes and appetite
• it accelerates bile secretion
• beet root juice prevents cold and flu
• it reconstructs blood, therefore, it obstructs cancer cells development
• it heals malaria and regulates blood pressure
• it is a very efficient detoxifier, it purifies and detoxifies the liver, kidney and urinary bladder
• it is one of natural remedies for constipation, it draws off water and acids
• it is recommended for patients with leukemia

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