Wednesday 1 October 2014

Delayed & Irregular Menstruation| Menstrual Disorders Ayurveda

Delayed & Irregular Menstruation| Menstrual Disorders Ayurveda

Irregularity in menstruation can be due to a number of causes. There may be underdevelopment or congestion of genital organs. Constitutional diseases, like anemia, tuberculosis and even chronic malaria are some diseases also commonly responsible for causing scanty menses at prolonged intervals.Some women suffer from endocrinal disorders, like hypothyroidism, toxic goiter, PCOS/ PCOD and other hormonal disturbances. The best thing for those who are bugged by the problem of delayed and irregular periods would be to consult a gynecologist who, after thorough check-up, can find out the cause and treat you accordingly.

According to Ayurveda, poor diet and inefficient digestion are the main causative factors for these disorders. Improperly digested food leads to the production of toxins in the body. These toxins are circulated by the blood to the deep tissues and channels, where they cause blockages and stagnation. Ayurveda recommends different types of treatment to treat menstrual problems. These include nourishing and toning herbs as well as rejuvenation treatment in accordance with the nature of the disorder. Massage and the incorporation of meditation and yoga may also be beneficial for permanent elimination of the problems. It is important to address these menstruation problems because a woman expels a large proportion of her wastes and toxins through this process. If these toxins remain in the body, they cause further stagnation and blockage within the body.

Factors that are responsible for this condition include the increased intake of sour, salty, hot, pungent, heavy, and fermented food; meat of fatty and domestic animals; alcoholic beverages; indigestion; and eating before the previous meal is digested. Psychological conditions such as grief, anger, lust, and anxiety are also known to play a key role in aggravating menstrual problems.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice 
*Try and avoid all the causative factors mentioned above. 
*Any kind of physical and psychological stress should be strictly avoided. 
*Avoid tea, coffee, and icy cold drinks. Instead, have drinks at room temperature and that have cooling properties, such as peppermint tea. 
*Cooling showers and bathing with sandalwood and mint essence are helpful.
*Eat lots of leafy vegetables, raw vegetables, potatoes roasted in sand or over coals, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, spinach in uncooked form, oranges, pineapples, musk melons and mangoes should be the mainstay.
*Do not take refined flour products, sugar, and milled rice.
*Raisins, figs, dates and gur should be taken in place of sugar.
*Milk and milk products should be taken in abundance.
*Taking walks, exercise to improve the shape of the abdomen, sun bath in the morning and hot and cold hip baths can help. Use tubs, one containing water at a temperature 8 to 10 degrees higher than the body temperature and the other cold water. Alternate the tubs: five minutes in cold water and two minutes in the hot water tub. Repeat it four times and then take a cold bath.
*Last but not least; don't over strain yourself mentally or physically.

You may try some of these effective Home-Remedies

1. Take ½ teaspoon finely ground cinnamon (dalchini) every night along with 1 cup milk.

2. Powder 1 teaspoon dried mint (pudina) leaves and take with 1 teaspoon honey, thrice daily.

3. Green unripe papaya is also useful in case of a delayed or late period. Cut a few pieces of raw papaya and eat half a bowl of such pieces or else you can make a simple salad from papaya and have it. However if you cannot get unripe papaya, you can make do with ripe ones as well, but unripe ones are most effective.

4. Intake of aloe vera juice is found to be highly effective when one has a problem of irregular periods. One should start having half a glass of pure aloe juice on an empty stomach once in the morning and another half glass in the evening. Organic aloe vera juice from the market (Baba Ramdev's aloe vera juice is also good) and have it regularly twice a day as mentioned above.

Another way is to scoop out some fresh aloe gel (excluding the yellow part) and mix it with some of jaggery (Gud) and have it regularly on an empty stomach in the morning and one more time in the evening.

5. Til (Sesame ): A decoction of cumin (jeera) and gingelly (sesame) (Til) seeds, sweetened with jaggery helps to set off menstruation. Add 1 tbsp each of jeera and Til in water and boil it till the water reduces to three fourths. Add some jaggery to taste. Alternatively you might try making Til (Sesame) ladoos and have 1 such ladoo, the first thing thing in the morning followed by half a glass of cow's milk.

Take equal quantities of Til (sesame seeds), Pippali (Long Pepper), Black Pepper, Dry Ginger and Bharangi. All these can be procured from an Ayurvedic pharmacy. Powder them and store it in a bottle. Have 1 tsp of this powder with jaggery 2 times a day, the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and once in the evening.

6. Amla (Indian Gooseberries): Chew fresh, ripe Indian gooseberries (Amla) early in the morning. If fresh ones are not available, you can make do with Amla juice as well. Take 3 tsp of Amla juice and mix it with 3 tsp of honey and have it. You can use Amla juice from Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali pharmacy or any other organic shop. Do not eat anything for at least one hour after that. Since fresh Amla is not available at all times, you can use dry Amla powder as well. It’s readily available at any Ayurvedic pharmacy. Mix 3 grams of dry Amla powder with water or honey and have it at night after your dinner. Regular intake of Amla removes toxins from blood, aids the formation of red blood corpuscles, relieves urinary problems and helps in irregular menstruation. Try this for 2 months at least and you’ll notice the difference. You’ll feel more youthful and energetic as well. 

7. Fenugreek (Methi): Soak 1½ tsp of fenugreek (methi) seeds in water the previous night and in the morning you can see that they swell up. Have it regularly on an empty stomach. Alternatively, you can try fenugreek tea. You can use soaked fenugreek seeds for this prupose also. Boil a cup of water and add 1½ tsp of fenugreek seeds and let it simmer on a low flame. When the water reduces to three-fourths, turn off heat and have it in sips when it is sufficiently hot. You may add jaggery/ molasses / brown sugar for taste if you wish. Have this fenugreek tea twice a day, once on an empty stomach and once at night before going to bed.

8. Fenugreek tea is especially helpful for those who are bugged by PCOS / PCOD problems as it helps normalize blood sugar levels. If taking fenugreek seeds in the morning or fenugreek tea is not viable for you, you may take it once in the afternoon by mixing a tsp of fenugreek seeds powder in a glass of thin buttermilk. Having Fenugreek helps in resolving menstrual problems including irregular and late periods as well as leucorrhoea or white discharge. It also reduces swelling in the uterus and cleans the uterine vessels.

9. Horsegram is also called Hurali in Kannada and Kulith in Konkani / Marathi. Eating dishes that have Horsegram (Kulath) can also bring about your period as horsegram is believed to be heat-producing food as per Ayurveda. It’s also good for diabetics.

Other Herbal Remedies for tackling irregular menstruation 

10. Make a decoction of the aerial roots of banyan and consume with half a glass of cow’s milk at bedtime for at least 3 menstrual cycles.

11. Take a decoction of the roots of bitter gourd (karela) at least twice a day; this usually makes the period to commence.

12. Saunf (fennel) seeds also found to be helpful in menstrual irregularities.

13. Boil the roots of the fig (anjeer) and take the filtered decoction for a few weeks to normalize the cycle.

14. A small cupful of the decoction prepared from the leaves or the seeds of coriander (cilantro) thrice a day is found to be useful in regulating the menstrual cycle. 

15. A cup of grape juice everyday is also believed to bring regularity of the menstrual cycle.

16. Take a teaspoonful of radish seeds and grind it with water to make a fine paste. Mix this paste with a cup of buttermilk and drink

17. In scanty menses: Drink a decoction of Manjistha / Indian madder roots for an entire cycle i.e. everyday to correct anemia, if any and establish a healthy flow of menstrual blood. [Manjistha is available at any Ayurvedic pharmacy in India. You can also buy from Amazon - Manjistha root Powder 

18. Eating raw carrots also stimulate menstruation. A week before menses eat 1-2 carrots regularly.

19. For irregular menstruation, make a hot infusion of neem bark and take one cup in the morning, noon and evening until cured.

For painful and irregular menstruation

1. A piece of fresh ginger (adrak), ground and boiled in a cup of water. The infusion is taken thrice daily after meals along with sugar.

2. Boil 1 teaspoon saffron (kesar) in ½ cup water. Let it reduce to become 1 tablespoon. Divide this decoction into three portions and take with equal quantities of water, thrice daily for a couple of days.

Recommended Yoga Asanas
The Shoulder Stand (Sarvang Asana)
The Half Wheel (Ardha Chakrasan)
Practising Kapalabhati Pranayam for 15-20 minutes each time, twice a day helps to regularize the cycle and also alleviates other disorders of the reproductive system. 
Agnisara kriya is another such practice that helps.
Padahastana is a yogic pose that an help a great deal in making your periods regular.
Other poses that help are Trikonasana (triangle pose), supta baddha konasana, Titliasana (the butterfly pose), Shalabhasana (locust pose), Cobra (Bhujanga Asana), Malasana etc. 
Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation pose) also helps tremendously. 
However all these asanas have to be learnt under a competent yoga guru and not to be attempted on your own. -

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. thanks for this post, horse gram soup in the evening and manjistha concoction in the morning, taken daily. does these both taken daily like said causes any side effects? i have irregular mensural cycles. pls reply.

    1. These are all natural things, so they may not give your side effect if taken together. Still for a safer side it better to take separately. The after effects will be better


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