Friday 11 March 2016

Wonders For Your Liver

Just Only A Sip A Day Will Do Wonders For Your Liver

The liver is an extremely important organ because it plays the role of blood factory and participates in the process of its renewal. In addition, it helps to strengthen and stimulate the digestion. Therefore, it is not too much to say that clean liver means health, vitality, healthy look and good mood. A-teaspoon-of-olive-oil

But what is it that can make wonders for your liver? – A teaspoon of olive oil mixed with lemon juice!

If you practice each morning on an empty stomach, you will feel the change after a month. This will reduce the dark circles, your complexion will look brighter, your digestion will be excellent, and you will be full of energy.

The olive oil has an excellent effect in opening the channels of the liver and the gall bladder. The lemon is also good at this, and at the same time it is also a great source of vitamin C and cleans the blood vessels from cholesterol deposits.

Source: forhealthbenefits

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