Monday, 15 December 2014

Five Good Reason To Drink Lemonade

Five Good Reason To Drink Lemonade 

Lemonade is one of the most practical and healthy drinks that can be consumed in summer as it is only made by mixing lemon, water and a little sugar and provides many benefits to the body arising from their composition.

So that we know exactly what we are eating, we'll give you 5 good reasons to drink lemonade in the summer and you will see that we can find many other foundations to name this drink as healthy and ideal for heat.

1- Hydrates and detoxifies: drinking water is ideal for maintaining good hydration in the summer, but if we add to it lemon juice alkalizing their power increases and can neutralize the acid pH that characterizes the excess waste products in the body.

2- Immunizes: Vitamin C is an immune system enhancer and therefore, when we are exposed to nature's own foreign agents and rides rentals, lemon can help maintain the body's defenses in conditions.

3- Aids digestion: Lemonade stimulates gastric secretion and helps prevent other discomforts such as nausea, stomach pain, among others, therefore accompany a meal with lemonade can help digest food properly.

4- Cool: taste slightly sour and sweet at the same time with the high water content of the lemonade, can help reduce body heat and thus provide a fresh feeling every time you eat.

5- Protect: lemonade, plus hydrate and reduce the risk of dehydration, can help prevent heat stroke, electrolyte imbalance and aging skin, as it has vitamin C, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, simple sugars, magnesium and even a small proportion of carotenoids by the ascorbic acid to maintain the integrity of the skin.

Lemonade can be a special drink to enjoy anytime of the day and even can be an excellent choice to drink while we exercise.

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