Friday 12 September 2014

Tips on How to Sleep Well

Tips on How to Sleep Well 

1.Schedule your bedtime 
You must first set bedtime and wake up properly. So if you sleep on the hour that you specify, you must have slept in that time too. Likewise with when you wake up, you also have to set the wake up time you have specified. You sleep a minimum of 8 hours per day. Do this every day.

2.Limit your nap 
You do not nap too long. Try to take a nap just about 10-30 minutes. This is because to maintain the quality of your nights sleep to be more soundly.

3.Bath after work 
Doing an activity that can raise body temperature, especially at bedtime, you will potentially make it more difficult to sleep. Bath before bed can affect your body temperature, so that also affect your sleep. It is advisable to shower immediately after you get home from work and not shower when before bedtime. This is certainly to note that you are home from work in the afternoon or close to schedule your sleep time.

4.The beds were comfortable 
First make sure that you use the bed can make you feel very comfortable. Your bed should not be too narrow so it is hard to move around freely.

5.Dim the lights when the house before bedtime 
Lights out ahead of time can indeed make you sleep faster .as well as dim the lights in the rooms of the house before going to bed is also equally important. Exposed to light so bright when bedtime will make you become difficult to sleep.

6.Turn off your computer 
If you are a computer enthusiast for browsing or playing games, it is advisable to make a pause between stop playing with the computer just before you sleep, at least 30 minutes. Rest your brain for a moment and you can more quickly to sleep.

Try to exercise every day. You can do it morning by morning exercise such as jogging or cycling. This can help you make sleep more soundly.

8.Turn off the phone or gadget 
Make sure that you do not carry a cell phone on the bed before sleeping. If you are still busy with the phones or gadgets before bed, it will mislead you into a restless sleep. Turn off cell phones or gadgets approximately one hour before the time you sleep so that you can for a quick sleep and get a good night's sleep

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