Sunday 28 September 2014

Find the causes of your acne problems using face mapping!

Find the causes of your acne problems using face mapping!

Outbreaks on your forehead can be caused by a toxin build up, usually related to poor digestion and lack of water. Drinking water helps to flush out the toxins in your body, so boost your water intake and have a look at the foods you are eating. A diet high in dairy for example, consumed by someone who could possible be lactose intolerant, would be suffering with digestive issues.

What goes on, on your nose, is linked to your heart. A swollen and bulbous nose can be an indication to high blood pressure so if you are someone who drinks many energy drinks throughout the day, try cutting back, eat slow, energy releasing foods such as nuts and oats.

That area above your nose, between your eyes. 
Any redness and flakiness of the skin in this area is linked to your liver. If you are someone who enjoys eating out a lot, then you will be consuming many rich ingredients used in the food. Try to avoid the likes of cheese, butter, cream and oils when ordering. Why not make eating in the new eating out? In addition, do not eat late at night! Studies have shown that the bodys metabolism starts to slow down into the evening, preparing for the nights rest. Try to avoid eating late at night; especially right before bedtime as your body will not break down the food as effectively, leading to a toxin buildup. If you have regular meal times set, try to keep your evening meal before 9pm, though some say avoid eating after 7pm.Those who drink a lot of alcohol will also break out in this area.

Upper Cheek 
Your upper cheek is linked to your lungs. If you have breakouts and broken capillaries in this area, this can be caused directly by smoking and passive smoking. The air you are breathing will show in this area of your face, so if, for example, you are living in a highly polluted area, you will break out here. However, if you sleep on the side of your face, or use your mobile phone on this side, the germs and dirt transferred can clog your pores, causing breakouts. To prevent this, change your pillowcase at least once a week, and wipe down your phone with an antibacterial wipe every few days.

Lower Cheek 
Breakouts on your lower cheek can be an indication of poor dental hygiene. If you have any infections in your mouth, especially involving your gums, this will show on the outside too. Always keep on top of your dental health, brushing, mouthwash and flossing twice a day and regular check ups at the dentist at least twice a year!
Many of the spots you get on your ears are those under the skin, lumpy type, almost cystic and can be painful. Your ears are linked to your kidneys, so if you are not up on your water intake, or have too much salt and caffeine in your diet, this could explain why you are suffering in this area. Remember, your body generally needs around 8 large glasses of water a day, but throw in a few extra for good measure. Cut back on food with a high salt content and try caffeine free teas and decaf coffees.

Side of the Chin 
I, like many other women, break out in this area around my time of the month. This area is related to your hormones, so any sudden changes or a hormonal imbalance, can cause breakouts here. These tend to appear a few days before you are due to start a period, and clear up once your period is over. It can be tempting to pick them but dont! I find they are the quickest to clear up so its better to put up with them for a few days than be left with a nasty scar. Also, if you are not getting a lot of sleep or find yourself stressed out, you are likely to breakout here too.

Your chin is linked to your small intestine, so a poor diet or food allergies could cause you to break out in this area. Look at your diet; are there any specific food groups, such as diary, that when you eat, you suffer an uncomfortable digestion or breakout in this area? It could be worth keeping a food diary and a record of your experiences to see which foods trigger the symptoms. Do you eat many oily foods? The oils from these foods can make quite a mess on your face when eating, so make sure you clean around your mouth properly after eating to stop any build up.

Neck and Chest 
Breakouts here are usually caused by stress. I have found that by practicing stress relieving activities, such as yoga, meditation and certain writing methods, I have been able to take control, de-stress and reduce breakouts in this area. Remember, the clothes you wear and the products you wash them in can irritate your skin and cause breakouts here too.…/find-the-causes-of-your-acne-problem…

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