Thursday 3 July 2014

What are the benefits cinnamon our body

What are the benefits cinnamon our body 

It is a very important source of calcium , iron, fiber and magnesium
It is a remedy for : headaches, bad breath, cholesterol , diarrhea , colds , arthritis , etc. .
Provides better blood circulation and oxygen mugs largest body cells , which strengthens metabolic
Stimulates brain activity and memory help
Cinnamon oil is antibacterial and antifungal , having a high content of antioxidants
It is a remedy in treating menstrual cramps and pain
On the other hand, this miraculous spice has aphrodisiac effect
Increase health and reduce the risk of developing colon cancer
Cinnamon has carminative properties , helping to remove gas stomach and intestines
It is a good help in stopping bleeding and promote healing
This spice has anti-inflammatory properties , helping to relax muscles and relieve pain
It is very useful for those who suffer from hypertension
Cinnamon strengthens hair and stimulates growth
Destroy pimples and help treat acne
Mixed with honey and water , drinking on an empty stomach can help you get rid of those few extra pounds and decrease your appetite for sweets
Cinnamon is a natural energizer
Cinnamon lowers blood sugar and is recmandata especially type II diabetes .

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