Monday 17 March 2014

Causes cracked skin on the feet

Causes cracked skin on the feet.

- If you spend a lot of time on your feet
- If you go barefoot often
- If you wear sandals or open backed shoes regularly
- If you are overweight as this will put more pressure on your feet

Cracked heels are a common problem. They give a unpleasant, untidy and rough look which no one wants to have. The main cause of cracked heels is dry skin.

Home remedies for cracked heels

At night, rub olive oil into your dry, cracked feet. Do not rinse. Then, put a cozy pair of socks on and go to sleep.. 

Mix coconut oil with Vaseline and apply over those areas before going to bed

Daily apply a mixture of rosewater and glycerin. It soothes your heels and cures them fast

Squeeze one lemon in a ¼ bucket of water, soak your feet weekly twice and wash your feet using pumice stone and soap.

You can also crush an onion; apply the pulp over the cracked area and bandage it.

Pour hot water into a big basin sufficient enough to immerse your feet. Dissolve one tablespoonful of baking soda in water and keep your feet immersed in it for about 10 minutes. Continue this treatment for 2-3 days. 

1 cup of milk
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon of glycerin
Boil a cup of milk and then add the juice of a lemon and a teaspoonful of glycerin to this boiled milk. After half an hour apply this mixture over the cracked heels and soles, preferably in the night. This not only soothes your cracked heels but also makes you feet smooth.

Apply Vaseline on your heels after washing your feet clean i.e. after doing any of the above procedures. This helps your feet to recover to its normal condition.

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