Monday 20 July 2015

Throw Out The Extra Water From Your Body

Throw Out The Extra Water From Your Body

The feeling of heaviness in the arms, the legs, the joints, bloating and fatigue are signs of water retention. Warm weather, a job that requires long standing or poor diet are the most common causes of these problems.

The causes of water retention can be found in many conditions, habits or miss in the diet. The imbalance of hormones during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause and PMS can leave a woman swollen, and it is no secret and you can notice that yourself, if you’re a woman, your breasts get “fuller” a couple of days before your period.

Excessive intake of salt, sugar and fat can contribute to water retention in the body, which further benefits to insufficient intake of vitamin B complex and protein. Fast food and meals that are salty act so that the body starts to hold water, and we feel bloated in the abdomen and the extremities. Also, a chronic disease such as kidney and lung disease, or arthritis can cause water retention.

Diuretics help to expel the water and the toxins from the body through the urinary tract. The nature has given us certain foods that can be used for this purpose, and we divide them in natural diuretics, foods rich in potassium and plants with a high water content.

Natural diuretics are:
Large amounts of green tea
Cup of cranberry juice
Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water – take three to four times a day
Dandelion tea, which is rich in potassium and works extremely powerful
Seeds of anise, which cool the organism
Foods rich in water such as watermelon and cucumbers are also rich in sulfur and silicon that stimulates the kidney function
Asparagus are rich in alkaloids asparagine, which also improves the kidney function
Lettuce stimulates the metabolism and the removal of toxins
Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A and C, and they also facilitate the removal of toxins through the kidneys
Radishes, onions and horseradish are real mines of sulfur compounds that stimulate the metabolism in the removal of toxins
Coconut water also cools the body and maintains the electrolyte balance

Foods rich in potassium:
Foods rich in potassium, such as bananas, tomatoes, yogurt, apricots, strawberries and papaya, can release the extra fluids. However, the extra amounts of potassium can lead to a muscle pain and irregular heartbeat if you have kidney problems.

Diuretic herbs
Diuretic herbs have an antioxidant, antiviral and antiseptic effect.
The plant bear grapes (Latin name Arctostaphylos uva ursi) is commonly known as Uvin tea. It works on the secretion of the urine, the cleaning and disinfection of the urinary tract. It is usually used in combination with other medicinal plants, such as birch leaf or liquorice root, because it contains a lot of tannic acid which may do some harm to your stomach.

The Juniper stimulates the kidneys
Parsley accelerates the removal of toxins
According to Ayurveda, the plant Tribulus Terrestris (Tribulus terrestris) also helps the urinary tract and kidney functions.

How else can you affect water retention?
Reduce the intake of salt, sugar and fat. Sodium acts as a trap for the fluids in the tissues, so you should avoid processed foods full of preservatives and salt, such as canned food, hot dogs, pâté.

Take care of your body and move every day, go to a brisk walk or exercise for 30 minutes in order to stimulate the lymph. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables to make up for the loss of important nutrients that the urine has “washed away”. Drink eight glasses of water a day, because when your body is hydrated, it will hold less liquid.

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